Athens Roofing Services for HomeownersQuality and Dependability on Every Roofing Project Since 1996
Homeowners frequently have questions about the process of installing a new metal roof or shingle roof on their home.
We have developed detailed step-by-step roof installation procedures for a typical home. This insures that our crews will do a consistent quality installation of your new metal or shingle roof each time.
Our installation processes are just one of the key reasons why we offer the 15-Year Worry Free Roofing Warranty. We know if we do our job right you won’t have to worry about leaks or other problems AND we won’t either. Our warranty is 2 to 3 times longer than our competitors.
After installing more than 1000 roofs since 2003 and repairing hundreds more, we believe our process will insure that your new roof will be installed right the first time, for the price quoted and your expectations will be met.
We provide each homeowner we meet with our written process and this allows them to easily understand the cost of replacing their roof and it is an easy way to compare our proposal with another proposal.
Unfortunately, there are some roofing contractors that won’t provide you with their written processes since they don’t want to be held to such a consistent standard.
Avoiding those contractors is a smart move.
We understand your home is of great value to you; therefore, we will make every effort to keep it clean and safe. All garbage and debris will be removed daily and at the completion of the job. We will also leave extra shingles for your future use.
Chris Lutz has been installing roofs in the Athens Georgia area since 1996 so you can be comfortable that he will be around to honor the warranty if you ever need it. We also can offer up extended warranties on roofing materials that are backed by the manufacturer.